Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of quarantine so i will able to see my bae again (Day 14) [Attack on Titan]
Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of quarantine so i will able to see my bae again (Day 17) [Attack on Titan]
Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of quarantine so i will able to see my bae again (Day 22) [Attack on Titan]
Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of this quarantine so i will able to see my gf again (Day 3) [Attack on Titan]
Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of this quarantine so i will able to see my gf again (Day 10) [Attack on Titan]
Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of this quarantine so i will able to see my bae again (Day 11)
Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of quarantine so i will able to see my bae again (Day 24) [Attack on Titan]
Attack on Titan [f]ans: Mikasa, Historia, or Annie? (Bonus album in comments 😘)
Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of quarantine so i will able to see my bae again (Day 19) [Attack on Titan]
Posting Historia x Ymir fanarts until the end of this quarantine so i will able to see my gf again (she chose today's day post) (Day 4) [Attack on Titan]
Hermosa mujer 🍒
Historia surely is too adorable admit it
Alguien quiere ver a mi mujer x skipe?