[f]orgot to post yesterday
Can’t wait [f]or this shift to be over
It’d been a long time
[f]ro[m] the look on my face I enjoy his hand being around my throat
Hope my partner doesn’t [f]ind me in my bunk tonight 🙊
I’m always happy with my face covered
Snuck this quick be[f]ore getting back in the truck.
[f]elt good to have some sun on them
[f]eeling a little frisky
My reward from play time! 😈
Who else’s [f]avorite position? [oc]
Oh hey I’m [f]inally back
I[f] my partner would’ve turned around she would’ve gotten a show.
Do my new tattoos accentuate my curves? 😏[f]
We love playing outdoors. [MF]
[f]reaking essential
(F)orgot to post. I was REALLY hoping one of the guys was gonna catch me
Before and after play time! 🤤 [oc]
Sticky situation... 😏🤭
I’m the happiest painted in cum
Thought they looked cute, what do you think?
Waiting [f]or someone to talk through that door
Which one do you pre[f]er? 🙊
Happy Friyay babes! 😚 [oc]
Tink - Wet Lace
Daddy loves painting me with his cum!
Sunday [f]unday!
Cum covered, courtesy of daddy. [f]
Sweet treat from daddy. [oc]