[35 F] This week I declined giving a presentation because I don’t feel comfortable public speaking. But I’m ok with posting nudes on Reddit 😂
Speaking in tongues [Chii-chan Kaihatsu Nikki]
Being out of college is lame. My brothers friends don’t wanna fuck because “bro code”. Maybe I can change their minds w more cleavage? 😋 [oc] whatcha think?
I’m taking a [F]un Afternoon Poll: Which celebrity (living or dead) do you think I most resemble and why? I know who *I* think I look like, but I’m curious to read what others think... Inquiring minds want to know...😉😘
Bria Myles (xpost from r/AfroDeviant)
It's speaking to you..
Keep your minds [F]ilthy and your hands clean. ❤️💦💦
Hope no one minds some quarantine bush [oc]
Inti(m)ite, instinctive, (f) ierce, raw, outside of our minds, just following our bodies cravings...leading up to an explosive end. Made me go all quiet inside. Heaven..
Here’s something to hope[f]ully help take minds off current events... 😜
Girls with dirty minds will bring you to your knees 😘 (f)
She wants to hear what's on your dirty minds.
My teacher is speaking and I’m like this! [F19]
Meeting Of The Minds. 💕
Anyone else loosing their minds in quarantine?! I hope my tits help out my neighbors in [F]eeling better!
The only thing worth wearing anymore is my glasses. Speaking of which, I want new ones! Saw a pair I really like on TIJN Eye Wear but was wondering if anybody has used them before/could give recs for cute glasses/somewhere that can replace the lenses if I
This is what I get for speaking without being spoken too....
Did you know the more holes you rip in fishnets the less there is in the end? Speaking of destroying holes, i got two waiting for you!😈
Romantically speaking, I would like the opportunity to sit on your face as often as possible
Sophia Myles...teaching that art is beautiful
No one minds if I just wear this do they 🤗🤗