Pretty much how I'd react if I suddenly had boobs
[/r/PornGallery] Why do all the husbands react like that?
One with the sea of flowers, blurring in the radiance of their beauty, blossom into a natural unity.
Rae Kanoa [from Teens React]
Das tiefe Gefühl des Verschmelzen, die wundervolle Vereinigung zweier Körper, zweier Seelen, bis zur endgültigen Einheit. The deep feeling of smoothing, the wonderful fusion of two bodies, two souls, until the final unity.
[F] My body reacts when I show it to you, does yours react too?
[f] decided on sexy undies under these scrubs. I wonder how my patients would react if they knew this was under ???
Hubby was not expecting me to open the door like this 😀 How would you react? 😛
Another ON/OFF just because I love the way you react to my posts <3
Another ON/OFF just because I love the way your pants react to my posts... OOPS, I meant the way YOU react to my posts! :P
Hey buds I'm looking to write stories and have someone read them and react to them , I'm looking for an active reader ! ,let's have some fun ! 😉
My wife likes to tease. How would you react?